“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be. ~ Karen Ravn

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Social Media for Social Change

My most recent and most interesting usage of social media, especially on the DOTCOM trip to the Caucasus has been my "Flip" video camera. I have learned about many beneficial usages to our Flip, including being able to capture moments that might otherwise turn into lost memories. Most importantly though, I can utilize my Flip to capture videos or people, places and things and share it with others who may not have otherwise experienced it firsthand. For example, our DOTCOM Social Media for Social Change Conference, sponsored by PH International, this weekend is being held in Tblisi Georgia. Although hundreds of people from around the Caucasus and Europe will be attending this spectacular event, of course it is not possible for every social media advocate to be present. This is why we have made it one of our duties to each film individual parts of the conference and inteview speakers with our Flip cameras. Then we will edit and upload our videos to youtube for availibillity to all users around the globe interested in social media. Through our filming of of th oncference with our flip cameras, we will literally be sharing a world of information about our program and how it is possible for youth arounf the globe to interact with Web 2.0 tools. It will also demonstrate to millions the power and importance of social media for social change for our youth's generation.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Katie's DOTCOM Video

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reflecting on DOTCOM Phase 2

1. What proved the most challenging part of our July Phase 2 DOTCOM experience for you?

Overall, the most challenging part of my July Phase 2 DOTCOM experience was creating our final film. It was challenging to look over mistakes and perfect our video. However, it was also very difficult to hand over our final film to Dr. Rob because I knew that we were finally coming to an end after the film screening, which, not to mention was also challenging to put all together by 7pm Thursday night. Everything was definitely worth it though, nothing can be accomplished successfully without some challenging work. :)

2. What proved the most rewarding part of our July Phase 2 DOTCOM experience for you?

The most rewarding part of July Phase 2 of the DOTCOM program would have to be the friendships that I made with everyone. We all "met" in person before the program, which helped develop friendships through our interests, but working and living together in person put the word "met" in a totally new perspective. Not only do I know these 29 other students, but now I also have a bond created by successfully getting through the ups and downs together. I will never forget this part of the program. All of the knowledge that I collected about media almost doesn't compare to the reward of knowing that 30 youth from different parts of the world and walks of life, could come together to form a relationship through DOTCOM.

3. What proved the most fun part of our July Phase 2 DOTCOM experience for you?

The most fun part of our July Phase 2 DOTCOM program would have to definitely be creating the videos. We utilized the knowledge we learned and put it to work, in order to create fun, yet serious videos about world issues. There was one day, for example, where my group and I went to ask people to just say the word "media," which proved to be very entertaining in seeing the various spins that people put in saying it. I believe that this represents the different ways that people view media as well. Also, going on field trips out of town to learn how to better our videos was also very fun.

4. What are you most excited about, looking forward to our online Phase 3 DOTCOM experience coming up this fall?

I am excited for this fall because I am curious to see how our learning and knowledge will advance. I am eager for the modules to become more challenging and test our media skills. I also hope that we will be more active in blogging with each other now that we have all worked hard together over the summer. Additionally, I look forward to seeing how the rest of the program falls in to place with our trip next year to the Caucuses. I think we all had a good break once we got back home (long, or short, in my case with school starting 3 weeks after I got back!) I can't wait to see everyone's blog posts for this fun module! Talk to you later! <3

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our 1st DOTCOM Reflection

  1. What did you learn in Washington D.C. about media?

    On the Saturday that we visited DC, we first had a tour of the State Department, which was a very interesting place to see. During the visit, we spoke about DOTCOM with State Department officials and learned about the people who worked in the DOTCOM and other programs related to media. Then we visited the Newseum and learned much about how media worked with past events such as 9/11 and President Obama's Inauguration. Next we visited National Public Radio (NPR) where we thoroughly discussed the influence of media around the world. The part I found most interesting was when we focused on mediums like Twitter and Facebook to talk about the pros and cons of the Internet.

    2. What did you learn in Washington, D.C. about your student colleagues from the other two countries?

    At the State Department I learned more about how this program is set apart from others. For example, DOTCOM is the first program to combine young Americans, Armenians, Azerbaijanis together in a media program to explore social issues. I learned about how media is dispersed throughout our countries and how we all have similar interests in improving its mobility. I also learned about the pre-exisiting stereotypes about American's, Armenian's, and Azerbaijani's and how we can work to overcome them.

    3. What has been hard or challenging about the DOTCOM program so far?

    The most challenging part of DOTCOM so far was having the Azerbaijanis arrive a few days later than we expected. It is unfortunate that they could not join us on our trips to Washington DC. However once they arrived, I believe that everyone did a great job in making our student colleagues feel comfortable and part of our large group. In addition, learning about everyone's different cultures has been a continuous learning process, as it will be throughout the whole program.

    4. What has been exciting and rewarding about the DOTCOM program so far?

    The most exciting part about the DOTCOM program so far has been meeting all of my student colleagues. It is amazing to interact face to face after working the past 6 months together online on the blogs. I have already developed bonds with with those that we stayed with at host families here in DC and now Vermont, those that we completed group activities with, and those that we are grouped working together with on the Reel Action project.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Katie's Top 3 "REEL ACTION" Themes

Social justice is defined as “the equal and fair distribution of social values, such as freedom, income and wealth and the opportunity to take part in society.” Implementing and defending social justices, such as human rights, is a very important issue in today’s world. Here in the United States, I know that social justice is found in many aspects of my daily life, such as my right to write this very blog. It is a very broad topic that is covered in many modern issues, such as in Iran where people in the city of Tehran are defending their rights of protesting the election of their new President, which is becoming increasingly more limited by the government each day. One can also relate the topic of social justice to controversial topics such as the US debating socialized healthcare vs. private healthcare, Iran’s right to develop atomic energy for self-defense, or Darfur’s lack of protecting its people from genocide. Additionally, other issues include prisoner rights at Guantanamo Bay, children in china forced into labor, Saudi Arabian women with limited marriage rights, and women’s rights in the US where a doctor was assassinated for doing his job of performing late abortions for women. Social justice is a choice for my REEL ACTION project because it covers a wide variety of pertinent topics.

Media is defined as “the storage and transmission tools used to store and deliver information or data.” Media has many forms, including TV, internet, newspapers, books, and game. It has a great effect on society, it is a source of freedom of speech, and it leads people into the 21st century. Media is an important part of my daily life and I could not picture our world without it. However, media can cause 3rd world countries to be left behind, and in countries like Cuba there is state media where the govenment runs the media to ensure that it’s pro government. Moreover, an example of extreme lockdown on media would include Iran’s limited media during their presidential election, which has led twitter to become a primary source of information because of banned journalism. In addition, controversial software has been created to filter web in china so certain websites continue to be banned, and two US reporters that were jailed at labor camps in North Korea. However, certain media, such as the internet, has cracked open a channel for citizen voice and created a catalyst for social change. I chose Media as a topic for my REEL ACTION project because it is a growing issue and is vital in solving other world issues.

Religion is defined as “a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law.” Examples of religions include Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. Religious gatherings are often a source of familiarity and friendship between people. I know that I personally turn toward my religion for a source of comfort and understanding in my daily life. However, religion can also cause conflict due to misunderstandings and lack of tolerance. For example, the US relationship with Muslims changed after 9/11 because of much discrimination and hate crimes, and the genocide in Darfur started due to discrimination against religious groups. Most recently, religion has caused much controversy in the news such as President Obama’s religious views, the demonstration of discrimination against Jews at the US Holocaust Museum shooting, and the assassination of an army recruiter by an extremist Muslim convert taking revenge for US action in Middle East. I chose Religion as a topic for my REEL ACTION project because I have found that it is a direct cause of many issues throughout the world.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Phase 2: Katie's 90 Second Elevator Pitch

Hi, my name is Katie. I live in West Palm Beach, Florida, and I'm a junior at Florida Virtual School. Have you ever thought about what it means to be unique? We are all unique in certain ways, but the biggest struggle is identifying these special qualities and using them productively. I believe that “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." --Charles Swindoll. For example, I never liked being very tall, until I realized all of the opportunities that come along with my height of 5'11" such as excelling in Dancing Ballet, Varsity Swimming, and Varsity Tennis... and overall, just being ME :) Moving from Virginia to Florida just before high school was another factor in my life that made me different, But I have realized that I can take this experience to help me take a completely new situation and successfully adapt to it. If I hadn't moved, I would not have found the church and youth group that I attend, where I am part of a community that has helped me grow to be a person with a purpose, though activities like yearly mission trips, weekend retreats and volunteering. In addition, today, I am still learning to embrace the unique experience of being homeschooled since 2nd grade and completing my education online for high school. I am thankful for all it has given me, including flexible schedules, time for my family, true friends and technology experience that has led to me to unique programs like DOTCOM which provides me with an opportunity to work on developing my knowledge of media to help me make a difference in the world, even if just in a small way. Overall, I have found that Life is 10 percent of what you get out of it and 90 percent of what you put in it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Twitter and Ashton Kutcher

This snippet of Ashton Kutcher aka King of Twitter is from Oprah's show this week. I found it interesting how Twitter, after Facebook, and Myspace, is the new social media phenomenon. Twitter allows you to spread your voice to your "followers". Whether you are a celebrity tweeting about your upcoming movie, or a teen tweeting about your day. I made a personal twitter account back in the fall, but I haven't used it much because it seems slightly time consuming, since I already have Facebook and Myspace. But it should be handy for this year, so I plan to activate it on my phone. That way, I can update my Twitter status and recieve my friends status's anywhere I am as text messages. :)

If you are interested, here is a full article that explains the video more in depth:

Monday, April 20, 2009

MODULE #7 Katie's Word On Wrapping Up Phase 1

Hello everyone! It's time to share my thoughts and opinions on the DOTCOM Phase 1 project!

What was the most fun/exciting part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project for you?

The DOTCOM phase 1 project has proved to be a very exciting process these past four months, all the way from my application, to this final phase 1 blog post. My favorite part of the project has been developing my knowledge of media skills and awareness. I also greatly enjoyed utilizing Web tools for structured communication with fellow students around the world. It is especially cool to have the opportunity of sharing my culture with the Armenian and Azerbaijani students, and learning about theirs as well. In addition, building bonds with everyone as we find our similarities and differences has been very fun and insightful.

What was the most challenging part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project for you?

The most challenging part of the DOTCOM phase 1 project was making sure that each of my posts provided a clear representation of who I am as a person and that they showed my personality. To solve this, I often tried adding personal touches such as favorite music and photos, or friend requesting my fellow DOTCOMers on Facebook so that they could learn more about me. In addition, I tried to make sure that each of my posts for the Modules were thorough and that they completely answered the challenge. Moreover, even though the Module projects were occasionally time consuming, I never found them cumbersome or too difficult to complete.

What is one specific suggestion you have for the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project, when we do this project again?

Although Phase 1 of DOTCOM was great and I wouldn't change a thing, I will add that I would have enjoyed further communicating with the all the DOTCOM participants through an online group setting using 2.0 web tools (such as a moderated chat room). This would have been beneficial in finding how we all interact with each other and to discuss topics in a more classroom or "instant messenger" setting. For example, this would be possible through the web tool "Elluminate" which would allow a group to instantly chat in a type box, utilize whiteboard functions, and introduce themselves through voice or video.

Second, find the FUNNIEST video you can find on YouTube, embed it in your blog, and tell us why you find it so funny.

This is actually a video that I recorded on my own camera this morning. It is a Cardinal that visits the large window in my house every day. I always thought of the bird as something very funny, and then I attempted to consider a reason for its purpose. I feel that the bird represents people when they come across a conflict. Instead of trying to solve the problem, they continue to be stubborn or ignore it until it becomes worse. The bird needs to change his old ways of repeatedly hitting the same window in my house, and move on to a new, productive approach on his life. The same can be said for our own conflicts in the world.

Friday, March 27, 2009

MODULE #5: Katie's Experience With Learning The Persuasive Language of Media

Hey everyone! :)

When I first read what our next DOTCOM module was about, I was ecstatic. I have always enjoyed learning about and analyzing propaganda/persuasive techniques in my English classes. The video that I chose was not difficult to find. As I was racking my brain thinking about possible commercials that I have seen on TV that could effectively utilize “persuasive techniques”, one advertisement stuck out completely – ProActiv Solution. I have seen the various commercials of this skin care product since my early teen years. I remember that when I was 13, I watched this exact commercial with Lindsay Lohan and her brother, and thought that I was so impressive for recommending it to my own brother who had acne. However, at such a young age, little did I know that I was being fooled by the many tricks of persuasive techniques. It is very interesting to now analyze and comment on the same commercial, which is packed with Persuasive Techniques for my Module 5 project.

This commercial influences the Reptilitan part of the brain by convincing the audience to have the subcounsious feeling of "wanting" the ProActiv skin care product, through the use of persuasive techniques, such as Plain Folks, Bandwagon, and Warm Fuzzies. In addition, the Limbic part of the brain is affected by the soothing background song, pastel colored setting and smiling faces of the of young, enthusiastic actors. This tranquillity misleads you to feel unwary of the commercials primary goal, which is to sell you their product, not to clear your face. Furthermore, the Neocortext is influenced by the text in the commercial, such as "before ProActiv" and "after ProActiv", which makes you think about the relationship between the product ProActiv and your face.

The Persuasive Techniques that I have found in the commercial are as follows:

Symbols – the statement “Hi I’m Lindsay Lohan” introduces the commercial with a celebrity, someone that people idol.

Beautiful People – Lindsay Lohan is known for her acting in hollywood movies. Also, the commercial shows pictures of Lindsay taken by paparazzi

Humor – it is supposed to be funny or amusing when Lindsay jokes saying “Would you believe that I shared the same skin care product as my brother?”

Plain Folks – Lindsay talks about her brother, who is not a celebrity and how he “went through a phase where he had acne” which relates to everyday teens

Maybe technique – in little white words discreetly on the bottom of the screen it states, “Results may vary”, which indicates that the product will not work the same for everyone that uses it

Hyperbole – Lindsay’s brother states that his skin looks “ten times better” because of ProActiv, which is exaggerating his outcome from the original case.

Scientific evidence – the commercial states that it was developed by Stanford trained “dermatologists”, which makes the product sound legit.

Rhetorical Questions – when Lindsay asks, “Wouldn’t you like to be clear too?” you answer to yourself, “yes, of course”.
Rhetorical Questions – when Lindsay asks, “Why not try it, what have you got to lose?” she pressures you into wanting to buy the product

Bandwagon – the commercial tells how ProActiv is the “Number 1 Best Selling Acne solution in America” with a picture of a group of kids smiling

Testimonial - the commercial states that ProActiv was the winner of best acne treatment by Allure magazine, and having a popular teen magazine approve of the product makes it cool.

Bribery - “Try Proactiv now and get a special free gift” By receiving a “free” refining mask with your order, you are more tempted to purchase Proactiv
Bribery – “Act quickly, and receive a free upgrade to priority mail shipping” At this point in the commercial, the audience wants to use the product as soon as possible

Flattery – Lindsay’s brother talks about how the first time he used Proactiv was as soon as Lindsay recommended it to her. Lindsay then says “I’m a trendsetter, what can I say” and her brother regretfully says, “I’m a follower”, which leads you to think that if you buy ProActiv and then recommend it to a friend, you will be a “trendsetter” like Lindsay.

Simple solutions – the commercial overall is an example of this technique because it is trying to persuade you that all of your acne will disappear after you use proactive skin care, but the truth is that acne can be a more complex problem, and can be caused by genetics, eating habits, or poor hygiene.

Repetition – the phrase “Risk free”, which is used in the commercial in large words, has been coined by the advertising industry and is in almost every commercial attempting to sell you a product. It is a saying that is familiar and that you can identify with.

Warm Fuzzies – the commercial ends with an “aw” moment when Lindsay hugs her brother and says, “I love when he’s happy”, which implies that using ProActiv makes everyone get along and be happy.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Youth In Action Walk

About a week ago, I spent 7am-1pm on a Sunday attending the 2009 Youth In Action Walk with about 60 kids from my church, contributing to the hundreds of people there alike. We ate breakfast and attended mass with our Diocese's Bishop in the morning, then began our 5k walk along the West Palm Beach Intercostal waterway, ending with lunch at 12. I am in the picture above from our local newspaper "The Palm Beach Post" second on the very front left with my friends at the mass. The walk raised more than $26,000 to fund after school programs and centers to keep kids and teens out of trouble. As well as for daycare centers and help for families with two working parents or single parents. The programs and centers will assist kids/teens with their education and sustaining their health by providing clean and safe environments for after school. They will provide homework assistance, outdoor activities and general supervision. In addition, the child daycare help and centers will aid families with income problems and provide places for their children while they work. Our motto this year was "kids helping kids". The picture below is also a shot from "The Palm Beach Post" of a few of us starting the walk. Overall, It was a great experience helping support the education and health of others, like many other events that I have done with my church. :) To view more information, you can read the article on the Palm Beach Post website: Click Here

MODULE #3: Katie's Brains On Media

The different parts of the brain that have effects on our thoughts are the Reptilian, Limbic and Neocortex parts of the brain. The first and inner part of the brain, the Reptilian brain, causes those instinctual reactions that you have, such as frightening, laughter, and confusion. The Limbic part of the brain is found in the middle and it controls the emotional part of your brain, such as what makes you sad or happy. Finally, the Neocortex is the most sophisticated part of your brain because it's in charge of anything that makes you read, comprehend, or try to think about something. Overall, ads utilize the power of how our brains are easily influenced and subjective to media.

I found 2 commercials on youtube that are prime examples of all these parts of the brain working together:

In this commercial, it is a normal girl and her grandfather at a pizzeria, but the sweet little girl orders a Pepsi and the bartender gives her a coke instead. This commercial makes you go like “What?” and laugh using the Reptilian part of your brain when she starts talking with the godfather’s voice. After the girl goes from talking in the godfather’s voice, she goes back to her sweet voice when saying thank you when the man gives her the Pepsi, which is how this commercial affects the Limbic part of your brain. In addition, when the waiter “pops his gum” it startles you like in the movie “The Godfather” when the Godfather “pops his gun”, which then affects the Reptilian brain again. Finally, the commercial reads “The Joy of Cola” which makes you think about how the commercial is tied into the power of the Pepsi taste compared to Coca-Cola and causes you to use the Neocortex “thinking” brain.

In this commercial, it is a normal girl in a normal house, but then when you see the dog talking it makes everyone that watches the commercial go like “What?” or “That’s not right?”, therefore, getting the attention of the Reptilian brain. Additionally, the Limbic brain is then focused on the dog tilting its sad face and puppy dog eyes while talking about how the girl has changed because of weed and that he’ll be waiting for her when she becomes herself again. The girl also has a guilty face, which makes you feel sympathy for the dog. Furthermore, the commercial then reads “How would you tell a friend?” which makes you try to understand the point and gives you the incentive to think out it using your Neocortex brain. Therefore, this commercial like the one above, is powerful enough to influence all three parts of your brain.

~I hope you enjoyed my Module 3 post about my "brains" on media! Sharing my thoughts with you all and learning about your own opinions is a wonderful experience. Be sure to check out the rest of my posts here on my DOTCOM blog! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MODULE #2: Katie's Personal Media Inventory

Hey again everyone!

Media is a major part of my everyday life. Your interests in media help others understand your personality and help you understand others. Many teens go with the hype or what is labeled “in” now. Others may try to branch out and not go with the flow, in order to stand out. There are pros and cons to media. For example, media, such as newspapers, internet and some television can be used for greater good to spread awareness of issues. However, some media like music, television and magazines bring out a very materialist or material focused world. In addition, all media has the possibility of not showing the truth or completeness of the whole story. It is often tainted with perception and image instead of truth and reality. Furthermore, I have many popular American culture based interests in media, so I will share them and hopefully you all will enjoy learning about them - because I am very keen to learn about the interests of those abroad as well. :)

BOOKS - Do you read books? What kinds of books do you like to read? What’s a book you are currently reading that you are enjoying?

Books surround me in whatever room I am in at my house on tables, bookshelves and desks. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I love reading fiction - romance, drama, mystery, and non-fiction novels. The series Twilight by Stephanie Meyer is an example of a very popular fiction book in modern literature, and I have read the whole series. This romance/drama series has hit the bookshelves of every single bookstore in the nation, much like the previous hype of Harry Potter and it has turned into the new reading sensation. However, I do not limit myself to just pop-literature, I most enjoy reading novels that provide meaning and learning. For leisure, I am currently reading the novel Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos, a touching story where the she writes from the heart about a young romance. In addition, for my AP English Language and Composition class I am beginning to read the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God written by African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston, after just completing The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, a novel of the Civil War. Overall, I believe that as media, books provide a hands on, enjoyable learning experience and allow for further discussion or interpretation.

NEWSPAPERS/MAGAZINES – Do you read newspapers or magazines? What kinds of newspapers and magazines do you enjoy and why?

I enjoy reading magazines and newspapers because they provide tangible means of information. It is beneficial to have practical and portable sources of media. Even though I personally prefer to obtain my information online, I see magazines and newspapers as a traditional and successful way of spreading important information. Examples of magazines that I enjoy reading are Seventeen, which is a popular young women’s magazine, and National Geographic, which contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography. I began reading National Geographic Kids at a young age and now I enjoy reading the interesting articles of the more mature version. In terms of newspapers, I like reading the Palm Beach Post, which is popular and very informative Florida newspaper that provides current events. In addition, and I enjoy reading local newspapers to find out the latest in my community.

MUSIC – Do you listen to or play music? What kinds of music do you like to listen to? How do you listen to music – via cassettes, MP3 files, radio, or live performances? Who is a musician you currently are listening to?

I consider listening to music to be one of my favorite leisure activities. Music is such a powerful and influential source of media. It can ignite emotion and action within people. I listen to music through the radio, my MP3 player (iPod commercials bellow) , internet websites,

and though live performances. The radio provides stations with various genres of music to listen in the car or through music players. My favorite way of listening to music is through my mp3 player because it is a portable means of entertainment; my cell phone even plays my MP3 files! Live performances are also a great way to listen to artists raw and real by watching them preform. I just recently watched Bruce Springsteen at the Super Bowl football half-time show, where he gave an action-packed performance in front of thousands of people in the crowd, and millions watching on TV, to rowdy them up for the next half of the game. I also enjoy watching music videos on TV channels like MTV and VH1. I believe that music is great for parties, for exercising, or for just relaxing.

I have an appreciation for all different music genres. However, my favorite types of music are Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, and Christian. Examples of artists that I am currently listening to are Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Nickelback, Chris Brown, and TobyMac. In addition, in my city, there are many local bands that I like to support by watching their shows or sharing their music with friends. Moreover, I enjoy playing for fun on the piano, and I am going to attempt to learn to play an acoustic guitar that I have. :)

TELEVISION – Do you watch television? (I have not watched TV for 20 years, but I used to watch hours of TV a day as a kid). What kinds of TV do you like to watch and why?

I enjoy watching different kinds of television shows and channels. For leisure, I watch shows like ABC Family’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager, the CW’s Gossip Girl, and Fox’s House MD, which are dramas. In addition, I like watching reality shows such as MTV’s Made and Fox’s American Idol. These shows are fun to discuss with my friends and to find similar interests with others. The television is also useful for watching movies, whether on cable, store-bought or rented. I do not have that much time to watch TV but I do spend much time watching the news. I like to watch both the “Fair and Balanced” Fox News Channel and CNN, a far-left cable channel, because I prefer to be aware of both sides of the news and to find the pros or cons of each channel. Moreover, I have many friends who see the news as boring and would rather discuss their own lives. However, I believe the exact opposite, and that being aware of what is going on in the world is the most important factor in understanding the world. However, a downside about television is that it also brings propaganda into the "picture". I believe that the television is the one of the most prominent parts of the mass media system because of the amount of information it reaches to people. In 2006 is was recorded that 111,300,000 people in the US owned televisions.

VIDEO GAMES – Do you play video games? Which games do you play and why? What is your favorite video game experience right now?

I enjoy playing certain video games on occasion. Video games are becoming increasingly more popular now that the “video game geek” stereotype is being diminished because of the vast variety of games now available. No longer are there just "Sonic" or "Pokemon" games, but now “Guitar Hero” and “Wii”. These games provide fun and interaction with friends, at parties or just by yourself. My favorite video game used to be "Dance Dance Revolution" (DDR), my friends and I went crazy over standing on the"dance platform" or stage and hitting colored arrows laid out in a cross with the feet tapping them to musical and visual cues. My brothers and I just recently received Guitar Hero World Tour and the Wii for Christmas (See the youtube videos bellow for cool ads of the games!!!) and we enjoy them very much. We also enjoy playing on our Playstation 3 console with our various games. The only con of video games is that they substantially add to the “must need, must have” culture of people these days. However, videos games can be utilized for learning in an engaging way, such as Florida Virtual School's new American History Course, Conspiracy Code Game, which brings history to life in an interactive, 3D environment. CLICK HERE to watch a demonstration!!

COMPUTERS – Do you use computers much? What kinds of things do you do on your computer?

I use the computer constantly, and I know that my life would be very different without them. I remember that my first experience with computers was in 1st grade, over 10 years ago, in my elementary computer class where I learned to type and use the “paint” program. Since then, my knowledge and experience with computers has grown vastly. Today, I spend the majority of my computer time completing my schooling at Florida Virtual School (FLVS) everyday. I started my journey with FLVS 4 years ago beginning in 8th grade at the age of 12. In 2005-2006, Florida Virtual School delivered more than 68,000 individual course enrollments to approximately 31,000 students across Florida. Students access their courses on computers at their home, school or local library. I usually log on to FLVS from my home’s desktop, or my laptop for portable uses. I use many programs regularly on my computer for school, including Microsoft Word Doc, PowerPoint, and Windows Movie Maker. In addition, I enjoy using the computer for my photo editing, in software such as Picasa or Paint. One of my favorite uses of the computer is with the web conference tool Elluminate, which my teachers use for class interaction and collaboration on certain lessons or for events. Elluminate brings online conferencing to the 21st century by allowing participants to interact with each other through application desktop sharing, microphones and video camera. Moreover, my newest experience with computers is through my Web Design class, where they have the students in the course use the software Adobe Dreamweaver and Fireworks CS4 to create websites.

INTERNETDo you spend much time on the Internet? What kinds of activities do you most enjoy pursuing on the Internet?

The internet is my favorite type of media. It contains a world of information, literally. As much as I value face-to-face contact and love interacting personably with others, I believe that the internet has opened up a new list of communication opportunities and resources. I spend most of my computer time on the internet, pursuing various activities. My first experience that I had with the internet that I remember was at around the age of 10, when my dad brought home his work laptop and I installed AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and created my own email, to talk with my friends online. Today, I still spend a good amount of my computer time using applications like MSN, AIM, and email to keep contact with and to share media with my friends, family and even my teachers. I also use the internet for various sources such as for schoolwork, researching, social communication, music listening, gaming, reading news and articles, as well as for watching videos and shows. The most visited website on my browser would have to be FLVS.net, which is the website where I log into my school courses to complete my schoolwork. FLVS incorporates email, videos, links, discussion boards and many other various internet media applications into their school system. Examples, of websites that I like to visit for fun and to keep up-to-date on the latest information are wikipedia, youtube, MTV, and CNN. Additionally, to learn and research new things like a certain culture or just how to improve playing tennis, I love using the internet as an informtion portal, which is what I call Google. Furthermore, I use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and now Blogger to help stay in touch with everyone that I know. Programs with international communication like DOTCOM would not be available without resources from the internet. Moreover, I have started subcribing to "RSS Feeds", such as for the SAT test question of the Day. RSS feeds publish frequently updated peices like blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video in a standardized format. I believe that due to its source availability and accessibility, the internet has taken the place of several other types of media. I believe that the internet will continue to grow and increase in power; it is already available wirelessly in most places, as well as on my cell phone.

Overall, I am thankful for each and every one of these sources of media and I am blessed to have the opportunity of using them throughout my whole life. Now I will rank my MEDIA PREFERENCES from 1 – 7, with 1 being my FAVORITE kind of media, and 7 being my last favorite based on my usage of the said media.
1. Internet (tie with 2.)
2. Computers
3. Television
4. Music (tie with 5.?)
5. Books
6. Newspapers/Magazines
7. Video Games

Well, that's the end of my Personal Media Inventory, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you have any questions or comments! :)
Bye- Bye Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Super Bowl "Souper Bowl of Caring" Cause!!

So, is anyone watching the Super Bowl this Sunday?? It's at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida this year! How cool! Watching it on TV is a great time for football, family, friends, and food! :) However, my favorite part is at my church when we participate in the nation wide program "Souper Bowl of Caring" where every year, their goal is for each viewer of the Super Bowl to donate just $1 into "bowls". At my church we hold our "bowls" in certain places on Super Bowl Sunday for the cause, and all proceeds give toward the hungry. I love helping at it, this is my 4th year! To learn more, or to find out where to help in your community, go to http://www.souperbowl.org/

Program publicity on FLVS!

Hi all! My FLVS teachers have been forwarding me emails about how they've seen me in their teacher newsletter from their President and CEO, about the DOTCOM program! It's so great that my teachers have provided me so much support!

This is one email from my SAT course teacher that she sent to our entire class, with the article part:

Subject: Kudos to a Classmate!
"FLVS Students Inspire Civic Action through Social Media

Four FLVS students were selected from a national pool of applicants for a new media literacy initiative sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and implemented by Project Harmony International. Katie K, Jessica B, Alexandra T and Michele P are current FLVS students who will be part of a 30 member U.S. team to participate in an 18-month on-line training program for media-savvy and civically-engaged Armenian, American and Azerbaijani youth. The goal of DOTCOM (Developing On-line Tools for Civic Outreach and Mobilization) is to help students gain media literacy skills and create socially conscious media that will impact communities across the U.S and the Caucasus. Among the 90 students involved, ten students from each country will be selected to showcase their work in 2010 at a regional media conference in Tbilisi, Georgia attended by representatives from UNICEF, youth NGOs and media organizations.

Please help me in giving a big WHOOSH to Katie for being selected for this project!!! Congrats, Katie:) "


Sunday, January 25, 2009

What the DOTCOM program means to me

4. In five sentences, tell us what you can contribute to the group of participants during our DOTCOM program (face-to-face) workshops?

I believe that I can contribute to the DOTCOM program workshops though my experience with media, my love for solving problematic issues, and my purpose of bettering the lives of others. I also enjoy very much working with others, such as being part of my local public school’s varsity team, which is a team that prides itself on helping each other do their best to their ability. In addition, for 4 years I have been a part of my church’s youth groups, where I have grown and prospered in creating bonds with others that I know will last a lifetime. Moreover, I have experience in collaborative working not only in person, but also though online web tools, such as when I completed the two videos for the Video World Affairs challenge. Furthermore, I believe that my “out of the box” thinking, harmonious skills with others, and willingness to always do the best possible work makes me a creditable choice for the face-to-face workshops with the DOTCOM program.

What issues mean the most to me

3. In five sentences, tell us about an issue you are concerned about in your home community. Why? What, if anything, have you tried to do about something you are concerned about, or what would you like to do if you could?

Importance of education, proper health and awareness of human rights are three very important issues that I am concerned about in my home community. These matters are the prime factors in bettering the lives of others. I have already been active in being a representative for FLVS by helping to improve the education of others though informing them about the benefits for students, from those who are exceptionally smart to those that are physically impaired students. In addition, I have shared both the Child Labor and Global Health videos with my friends and community to help them become aware of these issues. Moreover, I would like to concentrate further on these issues to not only talk about them, but also be about them and take action.

If you are interested in the Video World Affairs Challenge,
my Child Labor Video can be viewed
here and my Global Health Video can be viewed here. :)

The media, Media, MEDIA!

2. Explore your relationship with media in five sentences by telling us about a favorite media experience you are having – a book you are reading, a video game you are playing, a movie you just saw, a magazine you subscribe to, a newspaper you read regularly, or a musician or band whose music you really like. What is it about this media experience that makes it powerful for you?

Media can be found in many different forms: books, movies, articles, skits, music, magazines, and overall, they produce the same meanings to be persuasive or informative toward their audience. My favorite media experience was 2 years ago watching the video/skit on youtube.com called “Lifehouse Everything Skit”. The video makes its point simply though choice of music and acting, but it has affected millions of people across the globe. This video was one of several things that sparked my interest in creating video projects, such as in the Video World Affairs Challenge where I collaborated with other FLVS students to produce a video documentary on Child Labor, and then Global Health, both of which won first place in the competition. However, the feedback that I received from family, friends and teachers about how the videos affected them is what made the projects most successful to me.

All About Me: Be yourself because nobody else can do it better

Tell us about yourself in a brief autobiography of between 20 - 25 sentences. Where are you from? What do you most like to study? What are your passions and your dreams? Tell us a bit about your personality. Are you outgoing? A leader? Quiet and shy? An observer? What do you want us to know about you?

Hi! My full name is Katherine, but you can call me Katie. I am 16 years old and a junior (11th grade) at Florida Virtual School. It was through Mrs. Brandao, the Club Sponsor for the International Club on FLVS, who was also my previous Global Studies teacher in 9th grade that I was able to learn about the opportunity to apply for the DOTCOM program. I am proud to be a part of a school where students all over the US and the world are able to take classes at FLVS. Not only is FLVS making strides globally, but technically as well. It is ranked number 1 in the Nation for a Virtual Education Program. Each weekday I log on to enter my FLVS courses and I create a schedule for every day to ensure that I complete my required assignments each week. The teachers and students regularly use the latest web technologies available, such as Elluminate, an online meeting “room” with video, voice, application sharing, and whiteboard functions. In addition, FLVS has just created a beta online game version of our newest high school course, “American History”, where students bring history to life in an interactive, 3D environment. Moreover, I have a middle school brother, who was able to skip a grade because of FLVS, and an older brother who is a veteran FLVS student and currently attends a private Florida college. My parents, who have home schooled me since 2nd grade, would say I am ambitious, determined and love working things out like puzzles. My friends would describe me as very friendly, loyal, and non-judgmental. My boyfriend would describe me as peaceful, intuitive and “down to earth”. In addition, people I have worked with or for would say I am good at taking control, being fair, and keeping a positive outlook.

I live in one of the most cultural and community based cities in Florida, West Palm Beach. Florida is often described as the “melting pot” of the world. I have friends of all different, nationalities, races, religions and cultures. FLVS is a prime example of a school bringing students of all different cultures and with different ways of life together. In addition, prestigious schools such as the University of Florida take pride in their rich and diverse culture of students at school, who are brought together by their interests in academics and sports. Furthermore, I moved to Palm Beach County 4 years ago from Fredericksburg Virginia, a town rich with American history. Prior to Virginia, I lived in Albany New York, and I was born in Boston Massachusetts. In addition, my family and I have traveled cross-country on the “auto-train” from Virginia to California, and everywhere in between. Some of the highlights include stopping in New Mexico and purchasing homemade burritos (yum) and beautiful handmade jewelry. In addition, we visited Chicago, the Grand Canyon, and several places in California. Even though I have learned about different cultures by living all along the east coast and traveling around the US, as well as to Canada and Barbados, I would love to have the chance to travel more abroad and widen my knowledge. Moreover, I love to travel and meet new people because I believe that the best way to learn is from personal experiences.

My passion is to make a difference in the lives of others. I have made an impact in the lives of many people through volunteering. My first of many volunteer experiences was joining my youth group on a weeklong summer mission trip called Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) to Bluffton, South Carolina where we fixed up homes, schools, and children centers in the very impoverished town. The hot and stormy weather did not compare to the smiles and graciousness of the kids, parents and teachers that we helped. I am looking forward to the opportunity of attending CHWC again this summer in Tampa, Florida. Another major volunteer project I was a part of was the SHOCK (Students Helping Others Collect Knowledge) program with FLVS. Helping new FLVS students understand and feel comfortable in their new school environment was very rewarding in the sense that I assisted them in bettering their education. I believe that I am a very compassionate and openhearted person because of the experiences that I have received through volunteering. Moreover, I love to be in “the know” about the most current topics and ideas of our world. Through my love of helping others, learning new skills, and traveling to other areas, I have determined that in college, an optional area of study I would enjoy is International Public Health. I believe that my interest in theses different types of areas has developed my open-minded and compassionate personality along with my appreciation for other cultures. Overall, I am the type of person that loves spreading a message.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Day

Hi everyone!

Today I created my blog and edited the template.

I look forward to further blogging. =)

ta ta for now,
